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Recommended Resources

With so many great resources out there for the Paleo enthusiast it’s impossible to list everything. Check back to this page regularly as it will grow over time. 


Mark’s Daily Apple

The-Primal-Blueprint-paleoMark’s Daily Apple was the starting point for my Paleo journey after a chance Google search led me to what has quickly become one of the leading Paleo-Primal resources on the planet. Mark’s The Primal Blueprint is an excellent starting point for those interested in living a Paleo lifestyle and whilst I wholeheartedly recommend you purchase The Primal Blueprint there’s more than enough information to get you started on the website alone. Mark’s Primal empire now includes a publishing house, podcast, certification programme (which I’m very proud to be taking) and much more. So head on over to Mark’s Daily Apple – it’s a Paleo treasure trove.

The Fitness Explorer Darryl EdwardsThe Fitness Explorer

Darryl Edwards, also known as ‘The Fitness Explorer’ is quite possibly the most significant professional in the Paleo world within the UK. He is an expert on all things Paleo – health, fitness and lifestyle. Darryl has a unique approach to fitness as he puts a significant emphasis on fun and playfulness when working out or ‘playing’ as he prefers to term it. His book Paleo Fitness is an excellent look into the world of play and equips you with all you’ll need to get playing and become a better, healthier version of yourself.

Nerd FitnessNerd Fitness

It’s a website that gamifies fitness. Is there anything more that needs to be said? Well, okay then, just one more thing – founder, Steve Kamb, has also devised a Paleo app ‘Paleo Central’ helping you identify which foods are and aren’t Paleo. As the tagline goes: Never ask ‘is it paleo?’ again!


The Primal Blueprint by Mark SissonThe Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson

The Primal Blueprint changed my life and is one of the best entry level texts into Paleo. Whilst Primal is a little less strict than Paleo with its 80-20 rule and adherence to some dairy, make no mistake this is a great starting point, so much so you’d be hard-pushed to find a better gateway book into the Paleo-sphere. Accessible, informative and addictive. Recommended.

The Paleo Solution by Robb WolfThe Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf

If you’re looking for a book that is more science-heavy than The Primal Blueprint then Robb Wolf’s The Paleo Solution is the book for you. Robb also has an excellent podcast (see below) and is alongside Mark Sisson perhaps the most renowned professional within Paleo.

The Paleo Diet by Loren CordainThe Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain

It would be remiss to not mention The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain. First published in 2002, its often credited for bringing the Paleo diet the mainstream attention it receives today. Not only does the book stand the test of time but it was revised and updated in 2010. Loren Cordain is considered the world’s leading expert on Paleolithic diets and founder of the Paleolithic movement. Despite the wealth of knowledge in both Mark Sisson’s and Robb Wolf’s books there are details and intricacies that you’ll learn if you delve into The Paleo Diet. And for fitness professionals there’s also The Paleo Diet For Athletes. 

The Paleo Approach Sarah BallantyneThe Paleo Approach by Sarah Ballantyne

One of the reasons that you may have stumbled across Paleo is because you’re suffering from an Autoimmune condition. Sarah’s book, aptly subtitled ‘reverse your autoimmune disease and heal your body’ is the definitive guide to living a Paleo lifestyle with an autoimmune condition. Whilst it’s very Science heavy it’s written in a style that both the Science layman and expert will comfortably understand. For those who need to take the Paleo a little further and modify their diet to combat niggling pains this is the book for you. Actually, it’s also a book for anyone who wants an introduction to Paleo nutrition and Science. Who are we kidding? This is a book for everyone. Pick up a copy today.


Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness Podcast Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness Podcast 

Hosted by Sarah Fragoso, author of Everyday Paleo, and Jason Seib, author of The Paleo Coach, the Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness Podcast often takes a Q&A format addressing listener submitted questions. From time to time Sarah and Jason also mix things up with guest interviews. Not only are Sarah and Jason hugely knowledgeable on all things Paleo but they’re both prolific workers and always have new projects they’re involved in. Great banter, too!

Primal Blueprint PodcastThe Primal Blueprint Podcast

Hosted by Brad Kearns, The Primal Blueprint Podcast, is a combination of Q&A sessions with The Primal Blueprint mastermind Mark Sisson, interviews with special guests and audio recordings of popular blog posts on Mark’s Daily Apple.

The Paleo Solution Robb Wolf PodcastRobb Wolf – The Paleo Solution Podcast

Robb Wolf’s The Paleo Solution Podcast really is the gold standard when it comes to Paleo podcasts. Hosted by Robb Wolf and co-hosted frequently by Gregg Everett of Catalyst Athletics fame, this is a no-nonsense, no BS podcast that covers everything from nutrition to addressing and putting into remission debilitating health conditions to strength training and everything in between. Q&As, guest interviews, a great sense of humour, The Paleo Solution has it all. Six listeners can’t be wrong, folks!

The Paleo View PodcastThe Paleo View

Co-hosted by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne and Stacy Toth of the Paleo Parents, as per the tagline The Paleo Views delivers gossip, Science and Answers to your questions. In addition to this you’ll hear interviews and reviews, too.

Learn more about Sarah Ballantyne over at The Paleo Mom. Learn more about Stacy Toth at Paleo Parents.

The Fat Burning Man Abel James PodcastThe Fat-Burning Man Show by Abel James

If ever there was a man with a pitch-perfect radio voice it’s Abel James. Whilst not everything in Abel’s show is strictly Paleo The Fat-Burning Man Show is a great podcast that looks at fitness, fat-burning, lifestyle hacks and all the good stuff you’d expect from a health podcast. Abel’s line of questioning is always spot on and as a result The Fat-Burning Man Show is one of the most interesting podcasts out there.

Not Just Paleo Podcast Evan BrandNot Just Paleo Podcast

Nutritional Therapist and Author, Evan Brand, has been hosting Not Just Paleo for two years now and in that time has built an excellent podcast and resource for Paleo but – you guessed it – not just Paleo. You’ll hear about meditation, sleep, stress, business, technology and even the ‘mindset’ for success.

The Tim Ferriss Show PodcastThe Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss is one of the smartest guys on the planet. He’s an author, an entrepreneur, a lifestyle hacker (although I’m not sure he’d appreciate the term) and a real inspiration to just ‘get up and create’. He’s also now the host of The Tim Ferriss Show (the clue was in the name really). Tim Ferriss interviews some of his heroes, some of the people who have inspired and helped him on his amazing journey. People like Tony Robbins, Mike Shinoda (yes the Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park), Sam Harris, Andrew Zimmern, the list goes on… If you haven’t done so already you might consider picking up one of his Four-Hour books. Tim Ferriss is entertaining, educational and really thought-provoking. You’re probably not going to agree with everything he says but the takeaways and information you do glean from Tim will be (as the cliche goes) worth their weight in gold.

Smart Passive Income PodcastThe Smart Passive Income Podcast

Before founding Paleo Minds, I started a website and publishing house called This Is Horror. I’ve always had an interest in websites, in fact pre-This Is Horror I ran a video games website and before that I ran a role-playing professional wrestling website but I tend not to talk about that… All well and good – you may think – but what on earth does this have to do with The Smart Passive Income and what does The Smart Passive Income have to do with Paleo? I don’t think I’ve ever learnt so much from a podcast as I have The Smart Passive Income. If Mark Sisson’s Mark’s Daily Apple helped transform my health (which it did) then Pat Flynn’s The Smart Passive Income helped transform my mind and reignited the entrepreneurial spirit. For anyone looking to start up their own business, website or podcast The Smart Passive Income is the podcast for you. On top of everything else Pat Flynn comes across as such a nice and humble guy. Paleo isn’t just about diet and fitness, it’s about crafting a great lifestyle. The Smart Passive Income can help take care of some of that for you. Check it out.

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