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Michael Wilson PaleoHey, what’s up?

I’m Michael David Wilson, the founder of Paleo Minds. I’m from the UK but I’m currently living in Japan. I started Paleo Minds because Paleo transformed my life. I used to suffer from debilitating arthritis taking ten tablets per day plus a weekly injection of methotrexate (an anti-cancer drug). Now I’m a drug-free, pain-free, leaner, happier and better version of myself. For the full story head on over to Mark’s Daily Apple to learn about how my Paleo adventure started.

Let me help you

Now I want to help you. That’s why Paleo Minds exists and that’s why I’m studying towards the Primal Blueprint Expert certification. To empower myself with the dietary, fitness and lifestyle knowledge to help others.

Here comes the good stuff…

I don’t consider myself an expert. In fact, I am a mere student of the Paleolithic lifestyle, but here’s where Paleo Minds gets really good. A huge part of Paleo Minds is to bring you interviews with some of the most renowned experts in the Paleo field. From nutritionists to fitness specialists to lifestyle professionals Paleo Minds will cover everything so you can become a fitter, happier, healthier version of yourself.

Sign up for the newsletter and never miss an interview

If you like the sound of this please sign up for the Paleo Minds newsletter and ensure you’re kept up-to-date with all the latest happenings on the website and beyond.

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Paleo wins!

Here are just some of the benefits of a Paleo lifestyle I experienced and I hope you can enjoy too:

  • Weight loss and improved body composition
  • No more prescription medication
  • Autoimmune conditions sent into remission (no more pain – hooray!)
  • Increased energy
  • Increased enthusiasm for life and greater ambition
  • Regulated sleep
  • Greater clarity of mind
  • Smiling more

Paleo in Japan

In addition to all of this you’ll get to hear about how living Paleo in Japan is working out for me. How to read food labels and troublesome Kanji, how to deal with communication problems and how you can make great health choices despite cultural and language barriers. You’ll probably also hear some hilarious anecdotes and blunders – no one’s perfect, right?

Social media

To keep up-to-date with the latest news on our social media channels please check out @PaleoMinds and our Paleo Minds Facebook page.

Find out more

For more on What is Paleo please follow the link, don’t forget to Meet Our Mascots and if you want to read additional books, visit cool websites and listen to some awesome podcasts on Paleo please check out the recommended resources.

If you want to get in touch with me personally then please drop me a line: or catch me on Twitter @WilsonTheWriter.

And if on the off-chance you happened to like horror you might want to check out my publishing house and website, This Is Horror.

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